Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Which One?

I just came from the school today. This morning, we had our PE. Well, she was there, as a matter of fact, she is always there. We had an activity today in our PE class, which is to observe each and everyone of how long they can jump by combining two tape measures. She was beside the tape measure, to record our jumps. We had three attempts. When it came to my turn, I felt so numb, my feet could barely jump far-off, but with her beside the tape measure; recording our jumps, made me feel more anesthetized. My first attempt was not really bad. My second attempt was totally poor, I didn't even reach the second tape measure when I know I could. On my third attempt, she looked at me. Not as in for a long period of a time, but just a glance through my eyes. I prepared an intense strength for a good jump. When I made the attempt, i landed beside her. And I reached a far distance of a jump. It was intense. After the activity, we were commanded to sit down. And again, her hand swinged through my hand and made a slight hit in our fingers for the second time. She didn't even react, neither did I. Now, I'm starting to have an immense feelings for her. After PE was English. The subject which is more likely parting from me. Apparently, I'm getting a hold of it again little by little. One thing is that, there's this girl. She keeps staring at me. Not everytime. Actually, she is the type of the girl that I adore. With the crazy attiude and a funny personality. Obviously, she is the most beautiful girl in English class and also the smartest. She is what every guy desire to have. I also have feelings for her but it's hard to get close to those kinds of persons. But what I'm wondering about is why does she keep glancing through my face. Now, she makes me think and wanting myself to wait and hope if there would be a collision between the two of us. So the question is, which one?

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