Wednesday, June 25, 2008

English twisted my Mouth

Every time we have English class, i never get to speak. I mean, it's possible for me to speak English and i can barely speak it fluently and accurately. Somethings holding me back from talking English whenever the teacher asks a question. I have the answers inside my brains but something is bothering me, not letting me speak. I have no embarrassment to stand up in front of a class and talk and i don't know what's pulling me back from speaking it. It's such a shame for me not answering the teachers question. As a matter of fact, i introduced myself that i came from the states which is true, and i should be active in answering questions about English. Even simple question twists my tongue such as "what is a sentence?". Even a simple question like that held me back from answering simple questions. I sat on the chair, so silent and seemed to be remote from the class. A girl kept answering the teachers question. She is smart, intelligent, beautiful. But the only main problem I have with her is the way she talks English. Her voice is so irritating for me. The way she spoke English seems as if her tongue is filled with tons of saliva, pronouncing it so gayish. It's very irritating. Both of us had no cause or trouble with each other. Well as a matter of fact we don't even know each other. I'm not discriminating her nor giving her bad feelings or mocking her and I'm not jealous or anything, but it's just that whenever a teacher asks question, I get this feeling of a rope pulling me back and she gets to get the bonus prize. I don't know what's going on. It seems like my life in English is haunted with that girl. I don't think I'm in love with her nor will i be, but it's just that i want to be more active and alert in English class. English is my favorite subject, but now it's leaving me behind.

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