Monday, June 23, 2008


Well, this one's entitled as "yesterday" for my past distributes me great memories i had in my life. Today, I will share an extraordinary memories I had during my high school year. I don't actually know what triggered me of sharing my memories here, but what I know is that it is the most memorable memory that I treasure most in my life. So here it goes. I had my 7th birthday on the plane. I was with my Mom during that time. It was an exhausting long trip from Philippines to the unknown place. When we arrived, i felt depression and a mixture of confusion. As i stepped out from the plane, i saw a wonderful creation ahead of me. The place seemed serene and placid even though the nuisance sound of the aircraft was loud. It faded in my ears. I took a deep breath, and felt an enormous feeling. An unexpected feeling which doesn't seem to exist. It may sound crazy and weird but it was a calm feeling which rested my heart completely. As time goes on, i had friends in school. People like me and not like me. Of course I had fun, but not the fun I actually expected to experience and feel. After my 5th grade, i was sent back to Philippines to continue my sixth grade. Well, on the whole, i voluntarily agreed to go back. I didn't really like the place at all, and the people. After I graduated, I was sent back to the place i never wanted to return again, but I had no choice for it was my parents decision and i had to obey it. But then again, back to the place which I didn't want to step on again. A few weeks later, I started my high school year. How much i want to vociferate but i can't, so i played it on my brains and pretend to be the real me, and went with the flow. After my freshmen year, I have made few friends. Friends i never really had before. It was shocking. During my second year, i made more friends. And on my junior year, i didn't just had any friends, but brothers and sisters. I can't barely believe that the whole junior class are my friends, brothers and sisters. Recalling from my past years, i never expected to have a huge amount of friends. It was a time traveling. Just yesterday, i never had friends, then the following day, they just popped out from nowhere. It was unbelievable. Well, the most interesting part is, we had 2 JVI teachers. I actually assumed that their not really cool and funny and that we aren't going to be friends. But when the time ran, they didn't just became a friend of mine, but more like a brother. We were very close, closer than the friends i had, especially one of the JV's. He is the awesomest, coolest, and extraordinary brother I've had. I wish he would have been my real brother. We had so much fun when we're together. We shared many things about ourselves, it seems like everything was already shared. He is the most extraordinary brother I've ever had, and that person is Marcos Gonzalez. On the main point, it wasn't just Marcos who's contributing self-confidence and enlightenment to me, but also my parents and my friends. On our graduation rehearsal, I felt a huge depression inside me. I was touched. At the beginning, i never really liked the people in the place i hated, but then, i realize that i belonged there and those people are the real friends I've ever had. I went on a flashback, and realized things I haven't realize before everything would have been like this. I never wanted to leave the place and the people i love, but i had to. It was hard to do, but i had no choice for i need to pursue my college education somewhere else, meaning in a different place. I made a promise to myself, that one day, I'll return to that place and find out more about myself for that place contributed varieties of knowledge and tremendous friends I had. These things happen so fast that i was left behind by a ship, not being on board, all alone and remote. But I know that somewhere out there, they are waiting for me and i believe it for it only seems as if it was just yesterday.

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