Thursday, June 26, 2008


I saw her again today. She looks so gorgeous with her clipped hair and flattering green dress. She was all by herself beside the table. She appears to be lonely and remote from the world today. But today was supposed to be an exciting day for it is the NDDU University Day. How much I want to get close to her but I can't. I feel something odd between the both of us. Something is sparking between us, and I don't know if it is just me or something else. I sense the feeling of how she interacts with me by a glimpse of sight-seeing. Anyways, she is my classmate in Religion class and PE class. According to PE class, both of us are in a group, not to mention, she is the leader in that group of ours. The way she interacts with me by looking is out of the ordinary. The thing is, whenever I proceed to the classroom that I'm about to have class in, we always pass by each other every single day in the campus, and now, I'm starting to feel something that I'm not suppose to feel yet. Of course I like her, but I don't think it's the right time for me to be in love, no matter how much I'd really want it. I'm only worried whenever we see each other. More likely, she's different from the other girls I pass by every time in the campus. Those other girls don't even bother looking at me when I look at them(not on purpose), but she does. Well, i don't know if something or someone is connecting the both of us which totally seems to be astonishing for me, but I don't know about her. She's starting to drive me crazy nowadays. Especially the way she looked at me when I passed by in front of her today, it was totally different. Even though it was a short period if sight-seeing, it appeared like a whole day of staring was going on between the both of us. Now, I'm starting to get crazy for this girl. Maybe I'll be more crazier tomorrow for I'll see her again in Religion class. Wish me luck!

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