Thursday, August 28, 2008

Superman's Down!

I guess even superman felt pain and sorrows. It's a tough life imitating a superheroes life. Everything that I had went through were all pain and sorrow. I didn't foresee this possibilities that I would encounter them at all times, just like superman. The things I adore most were gone, my time became wasted, the persons that i love most, i can't be with right now. Everything was taken away. What else do i possess now? I guess I should stop acting like a superhero when I'm not. I think I'm just making a fool out of myself. How I wish I could be just Clark Kent then. Having a heavenly family, compassionate and thoughtful friends and everything he had. My family now is totally ruined. My trust for my grandparents is lost, my aunt who dislikes me, my friends who has an extreme hatred on me, pretending that they act like it seems nothing is wrong, when it seems odd. I'm totally ruined! No more happy days. I'm tired of this crazy life, now that the world is different. I never see this world caving on me. Where's a savior when you need one? It's hard to find a reason to recreate and settle down this dim mind. I guess lights don't shine at all. What else would life take away from me? When I'm already down.

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